“Martin is a great instructor and inspiring and wise person. The community of people around him is very nice. Before I didn´t like the cold so much that I didn´t even want to go out in the winter. The Wim Hof Method helps me in many things I did not expect: I focus better, I can put up with much more stressful situations and relax, I am healthier (it prevents inflammations) and I enjoy being outside in cold weather, I can even walk barefoot and I don´t get ill. I have more joy of life and I am really grateful for that.”
The Wim Hof Method is based on three pillars which are breathing, cold therapy and commitment. When you combine these three, you will get a powerful force which can bring great changes into your life.
We set the mind into the state of determination, ease and relaxation even in situations in which we do not usually feel comfortable. We learn to observe our thoughts, emotions and our body as an object; all this while being aware that we are the subject, the observer.
Being aware that we are the observers creates room for acceptance and relaxation in any situation. In this setting, the breathing exercise we practice before exposure to the cold is crucial. Apart from altered state of consciousness and mindset, the breathing exercise causes changes in biochemical processes in the body, making it easier for us to relax in the cold and accept it.
The cold is our mirror. When our thought patterns create tension and defiance in stressful situations, we are set to rejection. This setting and exposure to the cold do not go together and that is the moment the person escapes the cold.
When I enter the cold with humility, in relaxed state and awareness of myself as the observer (self-awareness), I accept the cold and experience an ecstatic enjoyment of connection and altered state of consciousness. Exposure to the cold is a way to quieten internally and just be. This way we can reach our deepest essence.
The Wim Hof Method is even known to relieve symptoms of diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson‘s disease, asthma, sarcoidosis, vasculitis and other autoimmune diseases.